By definition, a personalized learning system is one in which all "master their learning at a personal level." This begins by ensuring a learner-centered environment with a solid foundation of safety and efficiency. All are engaged in the development of culture to support learning. Building learning systems with students at the center requires schools to identify the systems and structures that promote the following instructional components:
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Student Ownership and Leadership - Building a shared vision, code of cooperations and SOP’s with students. Students set and monitor their social academic behaviors. Personalized learning requires engaged learner’s.
Student Rules and Regulations are expressed and made visible to staff, students and parents.
Teacher can identify tools and processes are for student voice when developing behavioral expectations.
Classrooms are more teacher driven, students are compliant in following the classroom code.
School based behavioral programs are evidenced and social expectations are enforced.
Social emotional curriculum or PBIS is implemented in a compliant mode.
Teachers can define tools and processes and their importance in giving their students voice related to behavioral expectations.
Students defined each of the following tools and processes needed to support their voice in behavioral expectations.
A crosswalk between school based bahavioral program tostudent agency has begun.
Core social, emotional and academic behaviors are clearly articulated, integrated, monitored and reported.
Teachers can use strong evidence on how the class has grown as a community of learners with the SV, CoF C and SOPs.
Students can articulate the importance of developing a classroom community and how they are able to monitor their own behavioral expectations using the SV, Cof C and SOPs.
Clear expectations of school based programs and PL are evident and students and teachers are able to articulate how they work together.
Essential Standards and Learning Progressions - Determine competencies and essential standards with performance indicators and curriculum maps. What’s important to know and be able to do?
Core curriculum programs have been identified and are standards referenced.
Student engagement and reflection opportunities are evidenced in some learning areas and situations.
Course and content areas have identified standards and skills.Student learning is focused on content.
Curriculum is focused on coverage of content. Academic behaviors are taught and measured in isolation.
Essential standards are identified and placed into a scope and sequence, with accessible units of study.
Student engagement and reflection opportunities are evidenced and aligned to the learning experience and student dispositions.
Learning pathways have expressed standards and skills. Student articulate learning as a single target, not a progression of learning.
There are systemic procedures and templates for curriculum development. (i.e. UBD, UDL, PBL).
Learning progressions are transparent and designed for learner evidence to inform core competencies.
Measures for student engagement and reflective practices are in place for student monitoring their learning and dispositions.
Learning pathways integrate standards and skills into core competencies for knowledge, skills and dispositions.
Multiple measures and diagnostics to gauge student readiness and inform program intentionality to continuously improve and sustain the learning pathways.
Determine Rigor and Learning Levels - Unpack standards, chunk/segment and align to rigor for the development of transparent learning pathways. The learner’s roadmap.
Timely, rigorous and outcomes based assessments of student learning are evidenced within courses and content areas.
Standards are expressed as learning outcomes placed in a scope and sequence of learning within a content area.
Clear articulation of the knowledge and skills that all students should acquire within a course or content area.
Content level pathways for students to demonstrate their learning within content area and differing modalities are evidenced.
Timely, rigorous and outcomes based assessment system that captures student learning and mastery within school based programming.
Learning outcomes are identified as a scope and sequence of learning across focus areas and levels with regard to rigor.
Clear articulation of knowledge, skills and dispositions that all students should acquire within a course or content area.
Content and course level pathways for students to demonstrate their learning across a variety of contexts and learning modalities to foster relevancy.
Timely, rigorous and outcomes based assessment system that captures student learning and mastery within and beyond their school based programming.
Competencies and learning outcomes are leveled and integrated across grade levels based on knowledge, skills (rigor) and disposition.
Intentional integration of knowledge, skills and dispositions that all students should acquire within and across rigorous and transparent progressions.
Multiple pathways for students to demonstrate their learning across a variety of contexts to enhance access, relevancy and equity for students.
Proficiency scales and Matrices – The essential standard is broken down into learning goals and levels to provide for goal setting, scaffolding and targeted instruction as the student works toward proficiency.
Policies and procedures are based in a traditional grading system while some standards based scoring and reporting is evidenced.
Standards referenced programs are attempted to be taught to fidelity. Student goal setting is teacher driven.
Course level standards and learning outcomes are scaffolded and made transparent to the teacher and learner.
Balanced assessment system provides formative, summative and diagnostic data to inform student learning.
Staff, students and parents understand the process of scoring and reporting to standards and the process of assessing for learning.
Differentiated instruction is in place, however all students are working at the same pace. Goals are assigned to students, based on teacher observations.
Learning pathways are shared so students can articulate their learning goals. Teacher sets pace, student develops goals.
Learning pathways have clearly articulate standards and skills that are monitored and measured in core academics.
Policies and systems are rigorous, flexible and valid and ensure student learning is transferable and appropriately communicated to all external shareholders.
Standards and learning outcomes are scaffolded and placed into transparent learning levels with aligned common formative assessments. Student use learning feedback to set goals.
Learning pathways are transparent so students can navigate their learning goals and develop strategies to further their learning as they move toward proficiency.
Learning pathways have integrated standards and skills that allow students to show proficiency through voice and choice of rigorous, valid and reliable performance assessments.
Targeted Instruction and Conferencing - Student led conferences help students to articulate their learning and develop more ownership of their learning goals and choices as they work toward proficiency. Teachers know what the student has yet to learn.
Policies and systems support learning pathways to provide for transferable student learning within and beyond a single pathway or unit.
There is a level of transparency to inform where a student is in relation to a particular performance indicator and learning outcome. Instruction focuses on fidelity of program, is teacher pace content aligned.
Student engagement measures are provided for students around their learning experience and learning outcomes.
Systems of scoring and feedback (conferences) are building or team based around summative scores.
Policies and systems are rigorous, flexible and valid to ensure student learning is transferable within the current school based recording and accountability system.
There is a level of transparency to inform where a student is in relation to a particular performance indicator and competency. Instruction is teacher pace content aligned. Targeted instruction occurs based on student grouping.
Student engagement measures as well as reflection opportunities are provided for students around their learning experience and learning outcomes. Students are given choices for learning.
Systems of scoring and feedback (conferences) are not consistent and are teacher led, students are all working on the same learning outcome. Interventions are program based.
Policies and systems are rigorous, flexible and valid and ensure student learning is transferable and appropriately credentialed by outside learning agencies.
Learning is transparent and visible to inform a student where they are in relation to a performance indicator expressed as a student goal and competency. Flexible grouping and student conferences support individual needs and pace.
Student engagement measures and reflective opportunities to foster student monitoring of their learning experience and learning outcomes (voice and choice). Students are building meaningful learning.
Systems of scoring and feedback (conferences) are timely, accurate and aligned to standards. Students lead conferences and articulate where they are in their learning journey and how they can mastery proficiency on their learning outcomes.